It is important to know what medications to stop before ALLERGY TESTING because some medications may alter your test results.
So here are the ones to stop 5 days before test:
• Allegra (Fexofenadine)
• Atarax • Vistaril (Hydroxyzine)
• Zyrtec (Cetirizine)
• Actifed
• Dimetapp (Brompheniramine)
• Benadryl (Diphenhydramine)
• Chlortrimeton (Chlorpheniramine)
• Clarinex (Desloratadine)
• Claritin (Alavert)/(Loratadine)
• Phanergan (Promethazine)
• Tavist • Antihist (Clemastine)
• Actifed
• Aller-Chlor
• Bromfed
• Drixoral
• Dura-tab
• Novafed-A Ornade
• Poly-Histine-D
• Trinalin (Combination medications)
If you are taking on oral antihistamine that is not listed STOP the medication 5 days before your allergy test. If you are not sure if a medication you are taking is an antihistamine please call the office to verify or if you have any questions at 515-868-0220.
Stop taking the following medications the night before test:
• Singulair (montelukast), Accolate (zafirlukast
Stop these medications the morning of your appointment:
• Zantac (ranitidine), Axid (nizatidine), Pepcid (famotidine), Tagamet (cimetadine)
You may continue to take all other Asthma medications